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 Sunday School
Children are invited to Sunday School each Sunday morning at 9:45 a.m. where they will learn about the love of Jesus and the truth of the Word of God.


Jericho Junction

Jericho Junction meets on Sundays at 11:00 a.m.  This is a worship service for children from Kindergarten through 6th grade.  Children are fed a light breakfast and then worship begins with singing and then the main lesson.  The children’s lesson covers either the scripture that is preached to the adults in the sanctuary or the scripture that is studied during Sunday School.  This provides an opportunity for children and parents to discuss the same scripture at home together as a family.


Bible Drill

Help children hide God’s Word in their hearts.  The Children’s Bible Drill is made up of three cycles of verses and key passages.  Children who are fourth, fifth, and sixth graders are eligible to participate in the Children’s Bible Drill which meets on Sundays at 5:00 p.m. during the months of September – April.
Vacation Bible School
Each summer children (preschool to 8th graders) are invited to Vacation Bible School where they will learn scripture, enjoy crafts, and worship God through song and music.

Children’s Choir

Singing is fun, and good for you!  All children from 1st – 6th grade are invited and welcome to attend.  Children’s Choir meets every Wednesday evening at 5:45 p.m. in the Adult Choir room downstairs.  We are on summer break right now, but will be resuming choir just after Labor Day.


Royal Ambassadors 

Royal Ambassadors (RA’s) is a Bible-centered, church-related, mission education organization for boys in grades 1-6.  Through hands-on activities that encourage spiritual growth, games and sports, and mentoring relationships with RA leaders, RA members become a faith-based brotherhood.


Girls in Action

Girls in Action (GA’s) is a missions discipleship organization for girls in grades 1-6.  Through GA’s, girls learn about, pray for, give to, and do missions work.  They also make new friends and have lots of fun!